WJBF 5 to 25 Campaign:  Become an Individual Patron

It takes a community to put on a community event—and every dollar counts! When you support our sponsors or buy a festival t-shirt, you become a patron of the arts. This year, the WJBF steering committee is asking for your continued support in bringing world class jazz and blues free to downtown Indiana, PA. Please join us this year as anIndividual Patron. Go with the theme and give in multiples of 5 or, just kick us a buck or two. No donation is too small and each is appreciated!

Head over to our ‘Support’ page to… well, support us.

Thank you -- and we'll be seeing you Memorial Day Weekend in downtown Indiana, PA!

Photo: Soulful Femme at DCWJBF 2023 by Jonas Scanga

Tracy Levitz